Find the Perfect Gift

The mothers day is coming i hope you do not think of giving her a washing machine or a new toaster. This type of appliances are the ones that ruin the day and celebration to anyone, whether a woman or a man, although a macho man of a foretime maybe the best gift he can receive.

Moms who deserve the best

But let’s focus on what is important for Mother’s Day. She always cares for her loved ones and is aware of everything and everyone, we know that this day is very special and you want to see her happy.

If she likes art and is very familiar or has a photograph that would love to have that large family image hanging on a wall to admire whe never she wants, we have the perfect gift for her. A gift for mom.


From our website: you can order a portrait from the photo you send us, we will make something special to something unique.

One of the best gifts for the mothers day is a pencil portrait by order, it is surprising is something for the rest of life.

It turns a memory in to realistic art, being aware of the dedication and affection that has been expressed in that pencil portrait.

There are great ideas related to giving a portrait by order for Mother’s Day, and you can add a writing, dedication, etc.

Finally in this post today I leave a phrase of one of the many artists that I like:

“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done!”

VincentVan Gogh

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Retrato-a-lapiz-por-encargo-realista.jpg
Retrato por encargo a lápiz

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